Click here to join our member to claim your 50% off discount NOW!!!
1. Click the link above to enter our membership registration page or click
2. Fill in the information to join our membership
3. 📧 Check your email account. You should have received an confirmation email for account registration. You will find a 50% off discount code in the email that you can use it right away. 💨

More You Spend, More You Earn!!
On the bottom right corner in our website, click the "🎁 Rewards" button, then you will see your account reward status.
200 points are rewarded to your account once you registered to our membership
You can click on the menu to check ways to earn points & ways to redeem your points.

There are easy missions to earn points too, like follow on Instagram & like our Facebook page. You will also get points every time you make a purchase.