Andrea Sibaja, a Spanish rider, embodies a relentless passion for motorcycle racing that fuels her journey on and off the track. Hailing from Cordoba, Andalusia, she defies the odds as a self-made racer in the competitive world of motorsport. Despite facing injuries and setbacks, Sibaja's determination shines through as she proudly represents Spain in the first FIM Women's Circuit Racing World Championship.
From her humble beginnings as a fan enamored with the rush of speed, Sibaja transitioned into a skilled rider, following her dream of competing professionally. Her success in the racing scene led to wild card appearances in WorldSSP300, showcasing her talent and resilience.
Beyond the track, Sibaja's dedication extends to managing the DEZA-BOX 77 Racing Team in WorldSSP300, balancing dual roles as both a rider and team manager. Her unwavering commitment to the sport is evident as she immerses herself in all things motorcycles, from coaching riders to studying race techniques relentlessly.
With a spirit fueled by adrenaline and a drive for self-improvement, Andrea Sibaja embodies the essence of a true racing champion, inspiring fans and fellow riders alike with her remarkable journey in the world of motorsport.
Source:Β WorldSBK